Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
GreenEngine Lab
Combustion, Cryogenic Combustion and Sprays
Cryogenic Combustion
In the aerospace field, the research activities regarded the combustion phenomena in liquid-propellant rocket engines. The combustion occurs at operating conditions well above of the thermodynamic critical points of the fluid where reactants properties show liquid-like densities, gas-like diffusivity, and pressure-dependent solubility. Actually, there is a great interest in the development of reusable liquid rocket engines that operates with methane and liquid oxygen as propellants. In the carried-out numerical study of LOX/CH4 jet flames, the choice of the combustion model is a critical point: it should be accurate in the phenomena description but it should also characterized by a low computational cost.
Different combustion models were used as the Eddy-dissipation finite-rate approach based on Arrhenius chemical kinetics, the equilibrium mixture fraction model (PDF) and the Steady State Flamelet approaches. Different chemical kinetics schemes were used, as the Skeletal mechanism and the Jones- Lindstedt mechanism, that permit to limit the number of reactions and species but taking into account also the intermediate species in the flame. Finally, an Eulerian (i.e., single phase) methodology by using both ideal gas and real gas equation of state was used as well as a discrete phase approach that uses an Eulerian description of the gas phase and Lagrangian equations for the dilute spray.