Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
GreenEngine Lab
Combustion Active Control
Stabilization of methane diffusive flames using plasma actuators
The activities on combustion instability also regard the development of DBD plasma devices to improve lean flame stabilization. Experiments were already performed to characterize a methane/air microburner, Bunsen-type, equipped with a plasma actuator for the flame stabilization and the blowoff control. The electric field was generated using a fixed configuration of plasma actuator, the Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) but using two different power supplies: a nanosecond repetitively pulsed high voltage (NRPP) and a sinusoidal DBD high voltage (HV). High speed chemiluminescence imaging of OH*, CH* and CO2* was performed in order to capture the differences between the baseline conditions and the actuated cases. The activity is in collaboration with CNR-NANOTEC (P.La.S.Mi. Lab. BARI). For both the activities the group is involved also in the Technical Team Member of the NATO STO Science and Technology Organization Technical Team: AVT-254 on Assessment of Plasma Actuator Technologies for Internal Flows.