Prof. Eng. Domenico Laforgia

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni

Antonio Ficarella, Full Professor

Engr. Antonio Ficarella

Full Professor

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni

Tel. +39 0832 29 7761


Professor of the following courses:

  • MACCHINE (Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems)

Scientific activities: unsteady and two-phase fluid-dynamic inside machines and apparatus, thermo and fluid dynamic applied to industrial processes, Diesel engines and direct injection systems, sensor development, industrial energy applications and environmental subjects, energy recovery from biomass, wastes, industrial processes. Aerospace propulsion, active control of flows and of cryogenic fuels, cavitation effects and spray and combustion behavior.

Paolo Carlucci, Associate Professor

Engr. Paolo Carlucci

Associate Professor

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni

Tel. +39 0832.297751


He graduated with honours in Materials Engineering at the University of Lecce in 2000. In 2004 he achieved the PhD in "Energetic Systems and Environment" at the same University, with a dissertation on the analysis of alternative injection strategies for new generation Diesel engines. He collaborated as visiting scholar in a project for the application of electrospray technology to the automotive field at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is Associate Professor in "Systems for Energy and Environment" at University of Salento since Dec 2016. He is Author of many national and international publications.

Interest fields: analysis of combustion and non intrusive diagnostic in internal combustion engine field, application of optimization techniques in the engine field, electrospray and its application in automotive field.


Teresa Donateo, Associate Professor

Engr. Teresa Donateo

Associate Professor

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni

Tel. +39 0832 29 7754


Teresa Donateo joined the Faculty of the University of Salento as Assistant Professor In November 2001 and as Associate Professor in 2014. She attended the School of Material Engineering at the University of Lecce (Italy), and graduated in 1999 with first class honors. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2003 from the PhD school in Innovative Materials and Technologies at the ISUFI of Lecce, Italy in the field of Combustion and Energy Conversion. From September 2005 to December she held a visiting position at the Center for Automotive Research of prof. Rizzoni at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.  Since 2008 is scientific advisor of the Salento Eco Team for the participation to the European Shell Eco-Marathon. She practiced in the field of patents and trademarks and gave a series of lectures on “Patent search on the Internet”.

Specific research topics: Numerical simulation of Internal Combustion Engines; Modeling of ignition and emissions mechanism of formation in HCCI engines; Evolutionary optimization techniques; Simulation of low pressure sprays for SCR application; Development and optimization of hybrid power-trains with either engines or fuel cells ; Use of Vehicle to vehicle and Vehicle to grid communication for the adaptive control of powertrains,. More electric and Hybrid powertrain for aircrafts.

Maria Grazia De Giorgi, Assistant Professor

Engr. Maria Grazia De Giorgi

Assistant Professor

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni

Tel. +39 0832-299420


She is Assistant Professor in the field of Aerospace Propulsion. She has National Scientific Habilitation for Full Professor in AEROSPACE PROPULSION MACCHINE E SISTEMI PER L'ENERGIA E L'AMBIENTE and National Scientific Habilitation for Full Professor in MACCHINE E SISTEMI PER L'ENERGIA E L'AMBIENTE.

 She is Editor of the following journal: DATA IN BRIEF (ELSEVIER), Applied Science (MDPI), Energies (MDPI).

National Scientific Habilitation (art.16 della legge n 240/2010) for Full Professor in “Settore concorsuale INGEGNERIA AERONAUTICA, AEROSPAZIALE E NAVALE ING-IND/01 - ARCHITETTURA NAVALE  ”

National Scientific Habilitation (art.16 della legge n 240/2010) for Full Professor in “Settore concorsuale 09/C1 - MACCHINE E SISTEMI PER L'ENERGIA E L'AMBIENTE

National Scientific Habilitation (art.16 della legge n 240/2010) for Associate Professor in  “Settore concorsuale 09/C1 - MACCHINE E SISTEMI PER L'ENERGIA E L'AMBIENTE”

National Scientific Habilitation (art.16 della legge n 240/2010) for Associate Professor in  “Settore concorsuale INGEGNERIA AERONAUTICA, AEROSPAZIALE E NAVALE ING-IND/01 - ARCHITETTURA NAVALE  ”

  In 2003 she took the University Doctorate in Energy System and Environment  at University of Salento, Italy. In 2001 she took the Diploma Course in Industrial Fluid Dynamics, with honours, Von Karman Institute, Bruxelles, Belgium. In 2000 she took the University Degree in Material Engineering at  University of Salento, Italy.

The main research and professional activities were carried out in the fields of Aerospace Propulsion, Energy,Environment.  The main activities topics are Aerospace Propulsion, Combustion, Environmental Impact, Energy Saving.

In 2003 she took the University Doctorate in Energy System and Environment, with a thesis on "Two-phase flows for industrial applications", at University of Salento, Italy. In 2001 she took the Diploma Course in Industrial Fluid Dynamics, with honours, Von Karman Institute, Bruxelles, Belgium. In 2000 she took the University Degree in Material Engineering, thesis on "Fluid dynamic analysis of cavitation in machine", University of Salento, Italy.

She is scientific coordinator for University of Salento of the European Project CHAiRLIFT (Compact Helical Arranged combustoRs with lean LIFTed flames) – Progetto H2020 Clean Sky 2, finanziato dalla EU, Type of Action Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Call JTI-CS2-2018-CFP08, Topic      JTI-CS2-2018-CFP08-THT-01 “Innovative NOx Reduction Technologies”  (Gennaio 2019). Ruolo: Responsabile Scientifico. Partners: Universita’ Degli Studi Di Firenze, Karlsruhe Institute Of Technology Kit, Universita’ Del Salento, Universite De Rouen Normandie. The main aim is to reduce NOx emissions by using lifted flame plasma assisted.

She is scientific coordinator  for University of Salento of the national project “Generazione E: Ricerca e sperimentazione di Materiali, sistemi Diagnostici e di Controllo ambientale per i veicoli di trasporto spaziale di generazione Evoluta.”, PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020in collaboration with DASS, CIRA,  IM srl, UniCagliari, UniRoma1 CRAS, Distretto Energia

She has been scientific coordinator  for University of Salento of the national project APULIA SPACE - PON03PE-0M67-6 (Start: 01 July 2013). Responsibilities: Project Leader.  The general objective of this project is on one hand to support and ensure the use of EO based services at the regional level; and on the other hand to increase competitiveness of the Apulia Region in European and Global projects such as those for new Earth Observation space segments and for the Exploration of the Universe.

The scientific activities were developed in the fields of unsteady and two-phase fluid-dynamic inside machines and apparatus, thermo and fluid dynamic applied to industrial processes simulation, cavitation in Diesel control valve, industrial energy applications and related environmental subjects, energy recovery from biomass, industrial processes. In the field of the aerospace propulsion, the research activities were developed in the fields of the use of the cryogenic fuels, with particular regard to the cavitation and to LOx/CH4 spray.